Home Education, also commonly known as homeschooling, began in our lives in September of 2012. The idea became “stuck” in my head as I was expecting our third child. We were considering our pre-school options for our oldest daughter, Estefania. We visited several private Christian and non-denominational schools. We had picked one, when my husband also suggested the idea of homeschooling. I automatically thought it was impossible, after all, I had a career to take care of and did not think, at the moment, that I would be capable, nor have the patience to engage on such a committed life style. But, since I’m open minded, and I like to evaluate all my options, I began to research it. After evaluating pros and cons, statistics, teaching methods, learning styles, history of homeschool, the history of United States education, testimonies of homeschooling families, and many more other views concerning the subject, I fell in love with it. I felt like God was calling me to begin a journey, a personal ministry. I prayed on it, and soon enough, my heart was set on it. Four months after welcoming our sweet Natalia into our lives, I had a “kindergarten” curriculum and schedule ready for my then 4 year old Estefania and a fun pre-K “curriculum” for my 2 year old, Alejandro.
So far, we have encountered ourselves with challenges, some bad days and plenty of good days, but better than anything, we have experienced and continue to do, a spiritual growth in our lives. A happiness that exceeds anything as I continue to enjoy my three little blessings in every one of their stages, and to be present in each of their little achievements.
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