As I was reading the tale of “The Tortoise and the Hare” from The Children’s Book of Virtues by William J. Bennett to my children, I realized how much I am like the hare in that I start strong with a goal and then I get distracted, shifting my focus to something new, thinking that I can get to the original goal a little bit later or that I could tag both or more at the same time, not realizing that I risk missing the opportunity of achieving that goal, just like the hare did. I admire the Tortoise. Seemingly with no talent, nor speed, it’s main characteristic was the willingness and the steadiness of consistency. That made all the difference! I can reach my goals by consistently working on them by prioritizing them on my daily to do plans. One of the key things to do is to understand what resolutions are in order to properly approach goals. I actually wrote an explanation in detail a few years ago (read here).
There is also a fallacy about beginning always “on the first of January“. We don’t need to wait for the New Year to begin those so wanted goals, and definitely we shouldn’t feel discouraged either if we begin a few days after “the first”. As soon as we think of them, we need to plan their implementation and then execute them. Preferably, one goal at a time. Reaching goals are pretty much like building new habits. There are a series of steps that need to occur in order to actually fulfill that goal. It is a journey, that like the tortoise, we need to consistently commit to, so that even though it might take some time, we can be assure that we will arrive to our destination.
As Christians, we need to be proactive in choosing meaningful goals and/or resolutions. Ecclesiastes 9:10 tell us that “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom” (NIV).
So let’s plan, execute, and commit. “Slow and steady wins the race.”
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Amen! My nickname at my previous job was Turtle lol. I love this post. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
I think I remember you mentioning that! Thank you Hazel!